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Den Haag (The Hague) Day Trip (1 Feb, Fri) (Part 3)

>> Sunday, February 10, 2008

Continuing the tour of Den Haag Centrum...

A statue on the beach

Another statue on the beach

We proceeded to Haags Historisch Museum next.

Haags Historisch Museum


We got ourselves a Museumkaart which costs us 20 euros and it grants us entry into more than 400 museums across the Netherlands.


The painting is done on a turtle shell

Another painting

The Binnenhof

Rows of paintings

Royal Chair

Jakarta in the old days (Indonesia was once a Dutch colony)

Nice frame and painting

Blocks of silver found in a sealed container

The Royal Crown

A head sculpture

Another painting

Guess what are the things on the left of the picture?

The answer is shown above

Half body sculpture


Indonesia sculptures

As you can see, I am not very interested in reading all the stuff in the museum and I mainly just take photos instead of going in depth into the history etc.