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>> Saturday, March 12, 2005

Went ktv with ks and ly as ks has a $25 voucher that expires after march. En route to k-box cineleisure, i saw people outside the building distributing free bottles of coke and i took one. In the escalator, i put it in my bag as i did not want the k-box staff to tell me that no outside drinks are allowed inside. Went i reached the ktv room, i opened my bag and took out the coke bottle. There was only a quarterful of coke left inside the bottle. I was aghast in horror as much of the coke had drenched my bag and all the things inside. My magazines were wet, my umbrella was wet, my keys were wet and my water bottle is wet. I took out all the stuff from my bag and headed to the toilet to pour away the excess coke in my bag. It was really my misfortune as i was the lucky one who took the bottle with a loose cap. So there i was exhausting tissue paper from ks and ly wiping my umbrella, bag, keys, magazines and water bottle. I took quite some time as i was wiping, singing, wiping and singing. We sang from 11 am to 2 pm and ks gave us a $2 discount for the ktv session.

Went HMV for a while as ks wanted to check the price of Penny's new album. Liyuan went for work after that while ks and i went chinatown. I was accompanying him to check the price of Penny's new album in the cheap cd shops there. It was selling at $16.90, only a buck cheaper than that in Sembawang Music Centre. Ks went to the NUS open house with jy after that. I went home as i do not have any other activities later on.

Spent the rest of the day chatting and playing online scrabble.