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Busy but not doing homework

>> Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Monday, met up with my group to do the aerospace assignment at Woodlands Regional Library. It was not a very productive session as we have only 1 laptop shared among 4 people and the assignment requires us to gather much more information outside of our textbooks. We were searching the library for some relevant reference books but there were not a lot and we had to rely on the internet.

Without a clear aim and purpose, we wasted quite a lot of time and finally decided to have lunch. A break from the tough assignment, we spent a lot of time chatting about unrelated stuff for almost 2 hours.

Didn't have much to do at home at night and decided to tidy up my entire room. Spent a whopping 6 hours to set up my room TV & DVD set, clear all the mess and get rid of unwanted stuff. Tired.....

Tuesday, finally got my mother to buy my K750i for me. Extended my father's plan to purchase it for $438. Went out with Paul, Liyuan and Kang Rui to watch Red Eye in the evening. The show is exciting, intense and gripping. Rachel McAdams and Cilliam Murphy display great acting chops and make the crime thriller realistic. The story is tightly wrought and the pace never declines. Quite a good effort by director Wes Craven.

Picture of my new handphone