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Cesky Krumlov | Seville | Sofia | Mostar

Bilbao | Petra | Moscow | Pula
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>> Sunday, July 03, 2005

It's Sunday and i'm working again. Had an appointment with a household in Queensway and worked for 1.5 hours before meeting my supervisor to sign my payroll for the month of june. My pay is slightly lesser than my previous month's pay as i had gone overseas and more people had joined my team.

Headed to Orchard to meet up with Weiming, Fuli and Bernard for some shopping. Weiming got a nice pair of Nike golf shoes while Fuli got a pair of goggles. Wanted to get a Yonex badminton racket but decided to look for cheaper deals next time. Weiming had just got back from law camp and told us that it was very fun. Camp......... Should i go hostel camp? Maybe i should just go for it.