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Results for Semester 3

>> Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm satisfied with most of my results except FLUID MECHANICS! Expected to get an A- but turned out to be a B+ for this module which has the most AU/credits. Didn't expect Magic Voice to get an A- as i had expected a B+ as the number of competent singers in the module is quite a lot. I think the written exam must have saved me.

Luckily, luckily and luckily, my Aero Dynamics got a B+. I'm very satisfied with the grade considering the amount of time and effort i put into the exam. I spent approximately 1 and 3/4 day of intensive studying and cramming all the stuff into my brain as it was the last paper and i seriously could not muster the effort to spend 4 whole days studying prior to the exam.

Also, Mind Over Stress. A little disappointed with an A- as i expected an A for the simple and straightforward exam. I guess there are too many people who chose not to S/U the elective and many who studied hard for it.

Maths 3! My most confident paper this semester turned out to be my best scored paper as expected. Thankfully i had learnt from Circuits and Fluids not to commit so many careless mistakes and it paid off.

The rest of the modules are within expectations and overall I'm glad that i've improved from last semester's results which was dragged painfully down due to the widely panned Computing. Improved to a 4.35 GPA/CAP score this semester and my overall GPA is 4.31, an improvement of a minute 0.02 from an overall GPA of 4.29 for the previous 2 semesters. I just hope that i will be able to MANTAIN my GPA for the next few semesters.